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      Risks of using DAP Incoterm DAP条款的风险
      DAP Incoterm is a term used to describe a buy-sell arrangement where goods are delivered to a specific location, also known as the “named place”.DAP Incoterm是一个用来描述商品被送达到一个特定地点的买卖安排,这个地点也被称为“指定地点”。
      DAP is an acronym for “Delivered at Place.” Delivery methods vary depending on the type of goods being delivered and the geographic location of the named place. DAP是“Delivered at Place”的缩写。交货方式会根据商品类型和指定地点的地理位置而变化。
      In other words, DAP is not a maritime-only term and can be used with all modes of transport. The DAP term was introduced into the Incoterms in 2010.换句话说,DAP不仅仅是海运术语,它可以用于所有的运输方式。DAP术语在2010年被引入Incoterms。
      Transference of risk 风险转移
      In DAP terms, risk passes from the seller to the buyer at the named place of destination. 在DAP条款下,风险在指定的目的地从卖家转移到买家。
      Most of the time, this named place would be somewhere near the buyer’s warehouse or even the buyer’s warehouse itself. 大多数情况下,这个指定地点会在买家的仓库附近,甚至就是买家的仓库。
      Nonetheless, under DAP the buyer still has to arrange for import clearance, which means in most cases that the buyer would be the importer of record.然而,在DAP下,买家仍然需要安排进口清关,这意味着在大多数情况下,买家将成为记录上的进口商。
      Loading/Unloading responsibility 装载/卸载责任
      Under the DAP terms, the seller is not responsible for unloading the cargo at the place of destination. 在DAP条款下,卖家不负责在目的地卸货。
      This is a major issue that many buyers and sellers overlook when dealing on DAP erms.这可能是许多买家和卖家在DAP条款交易时忽视的一个重大问题。
      Although in many cases this might not be a problem, it would become a hassle if the cargo is not easily unloaded or it is delivered to an inconvenient place.虽然在许多情况下这可能不是问题,但如果货物不容易卸载或者被送到一个不方便的地方,就会变得麻烦。
      Case Study 案例研究
      For example, if a buyer orders large and heavy equipment like a tunneling drill from a seller that needs to be delivered to a work site, there is a possibility that the work site will not be equipped to unload the tunneling drill from the conveyance that brings it to the work-site.
      In this case, the buyer would have failed to take delivery and be liable for any charges incurred. 在这种情况下,买家将无法接收货物,并需要负责任何产生的费用。
      For example, if the buyer now takes 2 weeks to arrange for a crane and manpower to access the work site just to unload the item from the low-bed truck that brought the item there, the buyer would have to pay for all charges incurred. 例如,如果买家现在需要花两周时间安排起重机和人力到工作现场,只是为了从低平板卡车上卸下货物,买家将不得不支付所有产生的费用。
      If the daily rate of holding the low-bed was not agreed upon in advance, the buyer would be at the mercy of the low-bed operator who could effectively choose to hold the item until whatever rate they deem to be fair is paid upfront!如果没有提前约定低平板卡车的每日持有费用,买家将完全受制于低平板卡车操作员,他们可以选择持有货物,直到他们认为公平的费用被预先支付!
      Such risks are not limited only to the DAP Incoterm.
      这样的风险并不仅限于DAP Incoterm。
      Using any Incoterm without fully understanding the roles and responsibilities between buyer and seller can result in unexpected charges and delays. 如果在没有完全理解买卖双方的角色和责任的情况下使用任何Incoterm,可能会导致意外的费用和延误。
      In worst-case situations, cargo could also get abandoned to Customs authorities. 在最糟糕的情况下,货物也可能被遗弃给海关当局。
      Hence, it is important for both buyers and sellers to study the Incoterms that they choose to deal with before executing any shipment.因此,在执行任何货物运输之前,买卖双方都有必要研究他们选择处理的Incoterms。





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