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      FedEx is looking to expand its gateway facility by establishing a New South China Operations Center at its Asia Pacific hub located in Guangzhou, China.
      FedEx Express announced that it has signed an agreement with Guangdong Airport Authority Logistics Company to expand and upgrade the FedEx Guangzhou Gateway by establishing a new FedEx South China Operations Center at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport.
      Target operations by 2027
      到 2027 年的目标运营
      The new FedEx South China Operations Centre will cover an area of over 41,000 m2, more than double the size of the current Guangzhou Gateway, and is planned to become operational in 2027.
      新的联邦快递华南操作中心占地超过 41,000 平方米,是目前广州口岸的两倍多,计划于 2027 年投入运营。
      FedEx said the facility will connect outbound shipments from customers in southern China with FedEx's international network through the Asia Pacific Hub.
      It will also receive and process inbound shipments arriving at the Hub for delivery to local customers.
      The Center will include offices, sorting systems, operations areas, and a warehouse.
      FedEx said the facility will be able to sort up to 25,000 packages and documents per hour, three times the sorting efficiency of the current facility.
      联邦快递表示,该设施每小时可分拣多达 25,000 个包裹和文件,是当前设施分拣效率的三倍。
      Frontier technology and sustainability features will also be integrated into the facility's design to provide an eco-friendly working environment, according to FedEx.
      "We continue to expand our network and service offerings to cater to the growing needs of our customers in the AMEA region and enhance their connections to global markets," said Kawal Preet, president of the Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa (AMEA) at FedEx Express.
      联邦快递的亚太、中东和非洲 (AMEA) 总裁 Kawal Preet 表示:“我们将继续扩展我们的网络和服务产品,以满足 AMEA 地区客户不断增长的需求,并加强他们与全球市场的联系。”
      "China is integral to our regional and global network. Our investment in the South China Operations Center will support our long-term growth in a region with high economic potential."
      Preet noted that Guangzhou sits within the Greater Bay Area of the Pearl River Delta which includes Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
      "It is a region that is taking proactive steps to integrate against a blueprint that will further strengthen its position as a global economic powerhouse," she added.
      FedEx Asia Pacific Hub at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, one of the main FedEx gateways in China, connects Asian customers to FedEx U.S. and North American networks through Anchorage and Memphis (USA), and the European network through Paris (France) and Cologne (Germany).
      Currently, the FedEx Asia Pacific Hub operates more than 210 flights per week, while the FedEx Guangzhou Gateway handles approximately 40% of the hub's import and export cargo volume.
      目前,联邦快递亚太中心每周运营超过 210 个航班,而联邦快递广州口岸处理该中心约 40% 的进出口货物量。
      In 2021, Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong province saw its total import and export foreign trade volume exceed by 1.08 trillion yuan(US$159.58 billion).
      FedEx noted that its new South China Operations Centre will become an important component in the local SME ecosystem helping to fuel further growth.
      Last year, FedEx introduced six new intercontinental flights originating from the Asia Pacific (APAC), contributing an additional capacity of almost 2,700 tonnes (2,690,000 kgs) in and out of APAC to the U.S. and Europe.
      去年,联邦快递推出了六个从亚太地区 (APAC) 出发的新洲际航班,为进出亚太地区至美国和欧洲的运力增加了近 2,700 吨(2,690,000 公斤)的运力。




    Tags:国际快递 联邦国际快递 快递

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